Test laboratory of Yeghvard Feed Factory is equipped with modern analytical instruments and an analyzer of the 3rd-generation diode array NIR range, which in seconds determines moisture, protein, fat, phosphorus, ash, fiber and many other parameters of raw materials and finished products.
In order to guarantee the consumer high quality products, a three-level control is carried out in the laboratory of the factory:
- Inspection of incoming raw materials – when supporting documents are checked, organoleptic indicators of raw materials are determined, laboratory tests are carried out. The control of the technological process of the production of animal feed from beginning to end is carried out by production personnel and a testing laboratory. Based on the data obtained in the analysis of the incoming raw materials, the recipes of the produced feed are formulated.
- The control of the finished products is one of the most important and critical stages of the work. It also includes time samples, which are selected during the production processes. For each batch of feed, organoleptic and individual physicochemical parameters, pest infection, toxicity and humidity of the products are determined. The content of fats, crude fiber, ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, etc., is selectively checked.
- At the stage of sale feed samples are taken for storage and further selective verification of nutritional indicators.